From Our Perspective

Blogs dedicated to non-fiction works

The General blog holds personal posts and updates on the current and future content. These posts will be more free-form and casual, covering pretty much anything that tickles my fancy. Depending on the context of these posts, I may disable comments for my own mental well-being. Please be respectful so this does not have to occur.

The Okay, Hear Me Out blog holds a new series that I’m working on in which I explore hypothetical situations in essay format. Think of those posts that end with “In this essay, I will…” I often find myself among the people asking, “Where’s the rest, OP?” My plan is to write some of those essays or ones in the same vein. These projects will take some time to get out, but Patrons will get exclusive updates as I do my research and drafts of the final essay. Most of these will be satirical in nature even if there are facts throughout.

I am attempting to base these essays on those teaser posts found all over social media. If anyone has suggestions for essay topics, feel free to drop me an email preferably with a link to whatever teaser post you’re suggesting so that I can properly credit the original poster, especially if that’s you.

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Links to the most recent posts.