SynTheater On Air

Podcast dramas

When I was younger, I enjoyed listening to old radio dramas from the golden age of radio (aka before moving pictures). I loved how they made the sound effects that really could immerse me in the story and allowed my imagination to fill in the rest. For a long while, the radio drama’s popularity petered out when movies and television really picked up. However, the internet and technology has allowed an upswing in interest for this art.

I have one show currently in the works entitled “The Watkins Report”. This audio drama is a prequel to the events of the “In the Name of Enlightenment” SynthSized Story. One is not required to enjoy the other, but following both gives the reader a more complete picture of the world.

Dr. Anthony Watkins is desperate to prove to a mysterious benefactor that his genetic research has merit. Determined to unlock the genetic secrets he’s unearthed and with nothing to lose, Anthony decides to follow in the footsteps of many great scientists before him and use himself as a test subject for the serum meant to activate the dormant genes he has studied for so long. Listen first-hand to the reports that convinced a secret investor to support this mad man’s venture.

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