Welcome to the Blog!

Hello and welcome to the first blog post From Our Perspective, the personal blog of anyone who currently contributes to SynthSized Productions.

Right now, that’s just me.

(…and the voices…Kidding, kidding. Or am I?)

Joking aside, who am I?

(Isn’t that what we all want to know?)

I’m Chance and I’ve been writing within these three Universes since middle school. More than a decade and a half ago, I started forming the Universes you’ll be seeing here. They’ve changed a lot in that Time, but I think they’re finally refined enough to share with the world.

I’ve tried to get this off the ground for a long time. Much longer than I had wanted, but sometimes you have to be willing to wait for it.

(Hamilton? Really?)

The current plan for the posting schedule is every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. That means that January’s posts will go up on January 14th and 28th. All of the fictional writing posts will be a minimum of 500 words.

(There are some squeakers in there.)

I have set up a Patreon page for anyone who is able to contribute. I have chosen to go with community based goals instead of monetary ones. The more Patrons, the more content I’ll be able to post. Anything helps.

(Seriously, anything. Food’s expensive.)

No matter what, my two posts will be going up every month. If I’ve got Time and inclination, I will make occasional blog posts. Patrons who donate a minimum of $1 will have access to Patreon exclusive blog posts which will mostly just be small updates for now. If I can gather 5 Patrons, I will always post one personal blog post on the first Monday of the month. For every 5 Patrons, I’ll increase the amount of content I post. You can find the goals on the Patreon page.

That’s about all there is to know at this point. If you have questions or comments, feel free to leave them below or email me at synthsizedproductions@gmail.com and I’ll get back to you as quickly as humanly possible.

(Yes. We are Hooman.)

I hope everyone likes the content. Enjoy the show!
